Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Beginnings

So . . . I've decided I need to be posting regularly to this blog, or shut it down. I don't want to shut it down, so I've taken this opportunity to rethink what I'm doing here and try to ensure that there'll be something good to read here regularly - and thus hopefully make it worth checking regularly. I've spoken with three good friends, and we've figured that if we all post at least semi-regularly, it should be enough to make this blog worthwhile. They're all good people with good things to say - I think the blog will be better for their contributions. I expect they'll each begin posting here soon. I suppose it goes without saying, but just in case . . . I'm not responsible for the opinions they post, nor are they responsible for mine.

Since the blog is kind of "starting over," I figured I'd reiterate the reasons I started it in the first place.

1. I want it to be a place for dialogue regarding issues that are important to me and the other posters. Hopefully they are issues that are important to people reading as well. It'll probably cover a lot of space due to some of our varied interests - Christianity (and religion in general), pop culture, movies, music, politics, law, education . . . just about anything you can think of. Whatever the topic, my goal is to bring a Christian perspective to a variety of topics.

2. I view myself as somewhat involved in the enterprise of "reclaiming Christianity" (I'll admit, I borrowed the phrase from a friend). I suspect that the other posters would agree with this sentiment. If that sounds at all arrogant, I apologize - it's not meant that way. What I mean is that I think there are a lot of poor examples out there of what it means to be a Christian - usually by well meaning Christians who are struggling, as I often do, with how to relate the Bible and what we believe to be true about God to what we see in the world around us. I hope that I can contribute, even in a small way, to helping Christians become better at interacting with our culture--again, I know the other posters feel the same.

3. I'd like this blog to be a place for posters to share other resources/articles/etc. on the internet that they find helpful. In particular it can be a place to reference and discuss helpful news articles, essays, etc. So I hope readers will be in the habit of checking links out - at least if its on a topic that interests you!

4. I hope people will feel free to comment. I'd love for this to be a place for people to discuss different ideas. I find good blogs have helped me begin to think through a lot of different issues - I want this to be a place where people can thoughtfully and respectfully discuss their ideas, even when we don't agree.

That's plenty for now - I'm sure the other posters will be posting relatively soon. I do hope the blog is helpful to any of you who take the time to read it.

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