Saturday, September 16, 2006

Update #2

My apologies to anyone who has been faithful in checking this blog with any regularity over the past couple weeks. I haven't been able to post as often as I had planned or would like to, partially because of a lack of time recently, and partially because of a lack of ideas. Still, I hope you'll all stay with me - I do plan to continue posting, and hope to do it at least a little more regularly.

By way of an update as to what's going on with Cari and I, we're doing well in Omaha. Its been nice to be closer to family for a little while, after being 9-12 hours away for 5 years. I am currently working at TD Ameritrade opening new accounts - while it is not my dream job, its not bad. I spend my days processing new account applications while listening to my headphones (usually jazz - instrumental music is better when I have to concentrate), and occasionally I speak with customers when I need additional information. Its a job that requires a good deal of technical knowledge, but I'm starting to feel more comfortable with it. Cari is still working for Avantas.

We had a chance to travel to Spearfish, SD over Labor Day to visit our friends Matt and Becky Branum, who moved there a couple years ago to plant a church. They're doing well, with a very cute little girl around 2 years old (and I don't always think kids this age are cute) and a growing church. Cari and I saw Mount Rushmore for the first time (it was cooler than I thought it would be), and we visited Bear Country as well. Bear Country is a drive-thru outdoor zoo - lots of animals (I'm sure it will surprise you to learn they have bears), and at one point our car was literally surrounded by a pack of 6 arctic wolves. It was pretty cool.

This week (Thursday, September 21) we'll be celebrating Cari's birthday, and this weekend we'll travel to Des Moines to celebrate her Dad's birthday as well. We also hope to make it to Norfolk, NE soon to visit some college friends. Sometimes it seems like we travel every weekend, but Cari assures me that is not the case.


Anonymous said...

you didn't travel across south dakota on the interstate and NOT stop here did you??

Jake said...

Amy, I knew you've been checking this blog and wondered if you would pick up on that . . . let me admit my shame and embarrassment that we did indeed do so. We realized this during the trip and regretted that we had not thought ahead enough to at least make plans to stop for lunch or dinner. Please accept my deepest apologies - we would really love to see you guys . . . its been a long time. Are things going well?

Anonymous said...

nah - no worries Jake. :)
We weren't home Labor Day weekend much anyway. We were at lifelight in sioux falls and then my folks' house. Just had to take the chance to give you the business. But we would love to see you as well! We're hoping for a trip your way sometime - maybe even just J and I and no kiddos kind of for our 10th anniversary that was in June. So we'll let you know!

I have a blog too where you can see pics of the monkeys and such - I think you can get there from the link on my name in this comment. :)