Friday, September 21, 2007

Marriages that expire?!

A (quasi-)prominent political leader in Germany has brought to her platform the idea that marriages should expire after 7 years. (See the rest of the story here). I am, for once, at a complete loss for words in how to respond. The hypocrisy latent within the arguments is just too much for me to take; so I'll open up this issue for discussion.

1 comment:

cassi said...

Well, hm. While I, too, think the proposal is quite ridiculous and pray expiration dates on marriages never even come close to a reality, it opens the door for a related discussion. The whole concept of commitment - an ongoing commitment. Please don't think I'm advocating for any such expiration, but were such a idea a reality it would be motivation for couples to continually reassess and recommit themselves to each other. It opens the door to discuss that marriage isn't a simple one time commitment, but really is a daily recommitment.

As far as the woman who proposed the idea? Does she have a single arguable reason for making such a change? (Other than her own failed marriages?)b